Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Review: Laneige Water Sleeping Pack_Ex

Hi guys!
I'm reviewing the Laneige Water Sleeping Pack_Ex, which I am into the second tub. This is possibly the most famous product from this korea brand. It won the ELLE Beauty It List 2011 and Women's Weekly Best Beauty Buys 2011 awards.

This tub is quite pretty, blue-ish in colour. There is a spatula provided which is more hygenic compared to dipping your fingers in.

The texture is a little but watery, so it is actually very to spread it out. After spreading out, there is a thin glossy layer on the skin and feels a little bit sticky. You actually need to pair it with some massaging and give it some time to absorb into the skin. There is a light scent which I am fine with but can really do without it.

This sleeping pack acts a supplement in the last step of your skincare routine and I don't encourage replacing it as a moisturizer because it isn't moisturizing enough for my dry sensitive skin. I just put on a very thin layer to lock all the moisture in as too thick a layer makes my skin feel overwhelmed and suffocated.

Will I Repurchase? Yes if I can get in at a lower price because Singapore prices are marked up a lot.
My first tub was purchased in Singapore and it cost S$45 and my second tub was bought from Korea with the help of my aunt and it cost around S$27.


  1. Yeah, I tried this mask and I loved it too. One of my holygrail products !

    1. You sure is one huge Laneige fan! Thanks for viewing :)
