Saturday, July 14, 2012

Review: Etude House Green Tea Nose Pack

Hi guys!

I am reviewing the Etude House Green Tea Nose Pack today.

This is the same line as Collagen Eye Patch and Charcoal Chin Pack with this adorable girl on their packaging. I believe its cute packaging is one of the major factors why Etude House is so popular.
This nose pack cost $0.90 in Singapore which I believe is constantly out of stock in Singapore. I bought this in Taiwan when they were having their 4th Anniversary promotion. It retails at NT30 for one and it was going for a 'Buy 3 Free 3' promotion. So it comes down to $0.66 each. I only bought 2 sets since I wasn't so sure if it was good or not. Now I regret not buying more :(

It does not smell green tea, just a chemical smell. Not sure how to describe it thought, just that it is no  where near you regularly fragrance-ed beauty products. I don't mind the smell though, as I have never been inclined to sweet-smelling beauty products.

You are suppose to wet your nose area, then tear off the plastic film and paste the green part onto the nose. This nose pack is quite big though, stretches quite a bit off the nose. I do some folding at the nose tip so that it sticks well. wait for it to dry ~10mins and peel off from the bottom upwards.
This nose pack is useful in removing the regular whiteheads (quite a fair bit) but it didn't removed any of my blackheads :(

RATING: 3.5/5
Will I repurchase? Yes

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